Cyberhub Home
I do my best to freely share valuable information because I believe it makes the world a better place. Actually, this idea is largely what drew me to Bitcoin in the first place.
If you feel enriched by something I have shared, I’m delighted by any form of support you feel inspired to offer. Even the smallest gesture delights me more than words can say because it brings with it a much larger feeling. Your support fills me with hope. It encourages me to fight the good fight because others are by my side.
Lightning Support
You can easily send any amount of sats to my lightning address using any lnurl enabled wallet.
- [email protected]

Wallet of Satoshi is my favorite way to receive tips for a few reasons:
- It’s fast and easy to spread the love and tip the creators that I appreciate.
- I always need additional sats to pay my kids for extra jobs they do around the house.
- If the amount grows beyond the pocket change I like to entrust in my WOS account, I push those extra sats onto the lightning network for zero fees, instantly putting those sats to work for me in my WOS channel, non-custodially. Awesome.
Node Support
If you run a lightning node, you can increase the value of my lightning node by opening a channel to me. I treasure every channel I get, and will work hard to make ours the best performing channel you have. Win win.
Talent Support
Here are a few ideas:
- Share a piece of mine with others, if you think they’ll like it.
- Suggest improvements on a piece of mine where you have expertise.
- Contribute to the ‣
- Illustrate a children’s book.
- Write a children’s book.
- Translate a children’s book.
- Produce an audiobook version of a children’s book for your own YouTube channel.
- Print children’s books and sell them like crazy.